Garden Vocabulary Mini-Book | Basic Outdoor Vocabulary Picture Dictionary


This garden and outdoor vocabulary mini-book is an easy-to-assemble vocabulary building activity designed help your students learn and practice basic outdoor vocabulary in English. The best part: it prints on one sheet of paper and requires minimal assembly (just folding and one simple cut).


What's included:

  • 1 Garden Vocabulary Mini-Book Template with words (Color or B/W)
  • 1 Garden Vocabulary Mini-Book Template without words (Color or B/W)
  • Assembly directions for teacher

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 This resource is also available for purchase on Teacher Pay Teachers. If you prefer to purchase it there, follow this link.    

How to assemble and use this resource:
This is a full color pdf file. After printing the resource, 

How will you receive the resource?
After your payment has processed you will be redirected to a download page where you can immediately download the file and save it to your computer. You will also receive an email containing a link to the resource.

* Due to the digital nature of this product. Hot Chocolate Education does NOT offer refunds. Once the product has been downloaded, it can't be returned and refunds can not be issued.